Process Description
The objective of the SPM-400 Heat Exchanger Process is to raise the temperature of a process fluid consisting of the two paraffins hexane (C6) and heptane (C7) in a countercurrent tube and shell type heat exchanger. The process fluid then goes on to another unit for further processing.
The process flow loop is outfitted with inlet and outlet temperature indicators (TI-403 and TIC-406). Process flow is modulated by flow controller FIC-401.
The ThermOil loop is also outfitted with inlet and outlet temperature indicators (TI-404 and TI-405). ThermOil flow is modulated by temperature controller TIC-406. TIC-406 controls the outlet temperature of the process loop.
Block valves (HV-401 and HV-402) are provided for the ThermOil flow loop.